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What does MS tiredness and fatigue feel like? I don’t think I’ve ever experienced it before until now (perhaps). Despite a full nights sleep my body feels exhausted. My mind doesn’t feel tired but it’s like all the energy has been drained out of me. Does this sound like fatigue caused by MS? My special talent is my brain making me feel symptoms that aren’t there due to possible anxiety or obsessing too much. I’ve been trying to snap myself out of it but i can’t 😢

Yes, this is one of the ways I experience MS fatigue, but it can be caused by unrelated reasons as well; e.g. stress/virus/ADHD/anxiety/etc.


Watch "Multiple Sclerosis Symptom Video: MS Fatigue Management" on YouTube. the podcast is done by Aaron boster md https://youtu.be/T2wYmbCjZMM?si=Bc9A818gsBV9_VTn