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Im newly diagnosed and im really struggling to sleep, i think its due to being anxious as i can’t pin point anything in particular that would be keeping me awake and its only got this bad since i found out i have ms, has anyone got any tips to help? I desperately need to start sleeping again.

I was having very bad anxiety as well and couldn’t sleep because of it i would recommend taking melatonin. It’s just over the counter but it helped take the edge off so that I could fall asleep. If this isn’t helping I would talk to your doctor, there are good medications for sleeping and to help with anxiety! Hopefully you will find something that helps!


I've had sleep issues off and on for years Vik, it's a real PITA. Worse, it factors into many other aspects of MS and life. There's all sorts of drugs you can opt for, but IMO there's no magic cure there. IMO exercise is a key -- I tend to sleep better if I actually do something that day. But for tips, Dr. Boster has made a *bunch* of videos with tips. In particular, his hour-long video has a bunch of great ideas. Check them out here: (https://www.youtube.com/c/AaronBosterMD/search?query=sleep).