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Balance group

Today I joined a balance group. There were 3 of us. I was by far the absolute worst, completely outdone by an old man (70+) and an elder lady (60+). I felt like an absolute berk but it was good fun (a bit, sort of). Turns out I can't blame my wobbling on the booze alone! I am aware it's a small step but I can't imagine having the nerve to showcase my lack of coordination/athleticism/flexibility eventhis time last year, so I'm taking it as a massive win and, hopefully, a door opener. Next stop the gym! And now the question, does anyone have any exciting exercises or similar to improve balance and/or coordination? Tha ks, have a cosmic weekend. X

Good for you that you joined! I bet your new friends have great stories to tell 😁. I am starting vestibular therapy next week and I am hoping to learn some new exercises I could share!


@pageh you're a star.