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3 Treatments

Hi I've not been on the site recently, had some personal issues. I went to see my neurologist, after being off treatment for nearly two years, I've had a scan and it's bought up another legion, so he's offered me 3 separate treatments, HELP! Has anyone tried any or had good/ bad experiences of them. Hope you are well and coping 🙂 Ocrevus intravenous Kesimpta injection Mavenclad Tablet With love

my neuro says that kesimpta has revolutionised ms healthcare.


hi I have been on kesimpta for almost two years now and my last mri showed no further lesions. I have had no issues with side effects or illness as a result but I know that’s not the same for everyone. The injection is once a month and over in seconds. Not had either of the other two so can’t compare. Good Luck with whatever you decide 😊