Immunosuppressed Risks
I recently had my first dose of Ocrevus and I'm doubting my decision for medication. I'm concerned about the increased risks of hospitalisations, infection and overall poor health. For those who have been on Ocrevus for a long time, have you noticed an increase in poor health or infections leading to hospitalisation?
Howdy, @MiloBear - no issues whatsoever. I worked in an unmasked office during COVID, washed my hands lots and had no problems. Caught the 'vid once; wasn't a big deal. Scrapes and scratches take twice as long to heal, but that's not limiting at all. Even if you have a job where you're around sick people there are lots of medical people on this forum who are on immunosuppressants and do just fine. Hope this offers some comfort. :-)
@NeedMoreSleep thank you, that does! I worry alot haha, it's nice to know that alot of people can just go about as normal :) puts my mind at ease a bit