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Ocrevus infusion reaction - shaking/rigors

Hi all, I'm not having much luck in my googling to help me process & understand what went down during my 1st infusion this Monday! When I got to just under 1/2 of my first dose (so, less than 1/4 of what I would be getting on an ongoing six monthly basis), my blood pressure dropped then I felt woozy/faint... was popped in a lying down position and my body started to shake quite violently. Teeth chattering etc. Felt quite out of it and trippy for quite a while. I wouldn't say I felt fevery as such but was maybe hot, cold and sweaty at the same time. My best friend witnessed this all and said my heart rate increased and I looked a little flushed in the face during this reaction. I do sometimes get panic attacks, though hadn't had one for a while. My current dilemma is not knowing if this extreme reaction was a panic attack or whether it was an infusion reaction directly related to the meds. The nurse said it was "rigors" and something she has seen before with other meds. I am really unsure of how to proceed with the medicine and am wondering if anyone has experienced similar. Thanks.

It sounds like you may have reacted to the drug. It sounds like the staff looked after you. I think it can be normal to experience a reaction for the first couple of infusions. Hence, only half is given two weeks apart. They can monitor you very closely in future. I am a bit allergic to the steroids that are given prior. I still get given them each time. Hope you feel okay now? All the best.


I found reactions and side effects were worse for me when I first started the drug as the years have gone on it has become so much easier to tolerate..and very importantly has stopped any changes to my MRIs and most of the time I feel like I don't have MS. Best wishes