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Hello to all ms users

Hi all, it's been a few months since I was last on this site. There is no excuse, no reason but all the same I am still on Kensimpta and the walking hasn't really improved. My memory is still a blur and understanding of others is not always clear. There are options but it is taking the right one knowing that a fix is never possible. Not always easy to turn a blind eye or perhaps just look the other way.

I think I know how you feel. It is hard, isn’t it? I am on kesimpta too and I was told that kesimpta won’t reverse the damage which has already been done ( my walking certainly hasn’t improved since I’ve been on it) . The hope is that it slows down the rate of progression . I hope it is doing that. Just know you are not alone.


Hi there, thanks for your response. I don't know about you but if I am walking in open spaces and it is uncomfortable, I feel like someone or anyone behind me can see this. Does this make me a paranoid sufferer or is it my imagination.