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Anyone else have cyst issues (TMI WARNING)

I am having some serious cyst issues which I've just decided to rename cystues. 😂 Seriously though I have had issues with sebatous cysts popping up randomly on my neck low around my collar bones and in my armpits for about a decade now. Before I knew what they were I just used to drain them myself years ago.. but that is incredibly painful. Plus, I'm prone to infections, so I'd really rather have a doctor take care of it. Then I could get the sack removed, so it won't come back. On top of that I'd have less infection risks. Does anyone else have this issue?? Or is this maybe something else completely unrelated to the beast disease we're fighting? I've had a grape in my armpit for a month.. One of the other docs at my PCP's office says I probably need a surgeon, but that my doc might go for it. Then again he says unless it's enflamed and painful that maybe I should just ignore it and see if it resolves on its own. Opinions?

YES! (underarms & genital area…TMI)


@Brenda-Gail I totally forgot about the ones I've had down there! One was the size of a golf ball once in my early twenties! The WORST one I've ever had hands down. It was right in my bikini line too.