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So a cervical and lumbar MRI should I have had the middle also

I'm asking bc since early this yr I have started to prioritize getting to the bottom of my dibilating symptoms. First they are saying I just have a pfo. They haven't called to tell me officially the MRI results of spine, but I've went over thru the portal. From what I gather there is bone spurs up top and a few bulging disks on the bottom w some mild stenosis there as well.. should I have asked for a thoreric MRI too? Bc at first when the pfo was discovered, it was it could be causing my migraines and numbness I was given the option to close when I got ready wasn't 100agreeing w that being the cause of everything. My brain MRI was clear.

Sounds like your symptoms are because of spinal mechanical damage rather than lesions?


You should have a thoracic MRI also