Is it me or my MS?
So, I started back at the gym 6 weeks ago and I am absolutely loving it! It’s my new passion in life and I’m really enjoying the journey I am on!
The workouts are weights based.
I find if I have to do an exercise that involves grip, for example, a lat pull down or a cable seated row, when I finish a set - I struggle to move my fingers! They feel numb and I feel like I struggle to make a fist shape. This does wear off eventually, but not a very nice feeling!
I have no idea if this is something that could be MS related? Or whether it’s just me! 😂 Would be interested to hear your thoughts and if anyone else has experienced it ☺️
Thanks and much love to you all 🧡 c
Yes buy rubber ball keep squeezing it or this
I do also get that feeling in my hands after lifting anything heavy whether weights or things around the house. I even feel it when pinching something too long. I hate it. I also haven't found anything to make it stop or go away other than time. Sometimes stretching my fingers help a little but not much. Good on you for working out. Don't let it deter you. I've let it deter me may of times, due to fear or the types of heart/chest pains I've been getting. But I know I am MUCH weaker that I used to be due to MS.