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"I CAN relate"

Does anyone else get a bit 'miffed' when they describe to co workers their symptoms and get comments like " oh im always tired too! I can relate there".. i mean it's well intentioned but I'm sorry no you don't understand MS fatigue... ๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜… Or when you trip up on your own feet and co worker/ family says " oh I always trip over myself . That's normal".... i get it.. your trying to be nice but trying to normalise it all only makes me feel unheard and feel like my complaints are petty so i now choose to keep it all to myself so as not to burden others out deal with ppl being so awkward about it all. New to the forum and to diagnosis and still in deer in the headlight mode about it all

โ€œTired? Try having two kids. I was asleep on the sofa at 6pm Sunday!โ€ was one of my favourites


Ahhhh yes!! I have two also and they are young and full of energy while I'm here all zzzzzz