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Arm pain and hand numbness

Hi everyone, so I have not been diagnosed with MS BUT I’m having weird symptoms and wondered what y’all think? I have a doc appt on Monday to discuss but she will likely blow me off. So For the past five days I have had this ache in my arms mostly upper arms and both of my hands feel numb, tingling and burning. I have a couple of white bumpy patches inside my mouth on the cheeks and I get dizzy every now and again. I also got this extremely itchy spot on my finger, uncontrollably itchy but there were no bumps, no rash. Just horrible itching and I scratched until it took skin off. Help.

@Jillie , I suspect that this is another diagnosis courtesy of Dr. Google. We all do it, but self-diagnosis is not recommended. Some of your symptoms are indicative of MS, but some are not. But, the problem with MS symptoms is that they also appear in other conditions too. Prepare for your Doctor's appointment by listing all the strange symptoms that you have. And, if possible, when they started and how long they lasted. The list should be short and concise, so that you can give a copy to your Doctor. This ensures that nothing gets overlooked. Then you just have to ensure that you agree a way forward that is acceptable to you, e.g. a Specialist referral. Although, when any referral would occur within the present climate is debatable. Consider going for a Private Consultation, if insurance or finances permit, to speed up any diagnosis.