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Very confused looking for your views

I have had nerve pain in my neck back for about 16 years over the this has spread to all parts of body. I have also with brain fog alot over the last month I have now developed a tremor in my right hand and arm also my legs feel like they are jelly also my balance has been really bad to the point the physio has advised a crutch too steady me. Some times when in bed my face goes really numb over my eyes and right side which can be scary when I wake up. Anyway a doctor said it was possible fibromyalgia about 10years ago but I'm not convinced. What are your views on this. I'm going to request a Dr appointment to discuss this but everything gets blamed on fibromyalgia I'm not sure.

@Horselover Hi the link below might be able to give you a few pointers on what you could ask your GP. Hope you get something sorted out. https://mstrust.org.uk/about-ms/what-ms/how-ms-diagnosed


Hi fellow horse lover here. I'm so sorry your going through a rough time with symptoms. It can be quite frightening at times especially when you don't know why it's happening. Unfortunately I'm not medically trained to diagnose anything but I'd suggest you discuss these symptoms with your gp and request an urgent neurologist referral. You really need further tests MRI. What helped me when going through the diagnosis stage was keeping a diary listing symtoms, describing the sensation or feeling when it happened, anything you found helped give you relief. My neurologist actually found this quite helpful to him. When you do see the neurologist write down any questions you would like answered so you don't forget when you get there. I really hope you can get answers soon. Don't give up keep pressing for answers. Take care x