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Train Drivers with MS

Hey Guys. Bit of an odd one but I'm hoping someone on here might be offer some insight. Long story short, I'm the application process in becoming a trainee Train Driver. I have RRMS on Tec, with past cases of optic neuritis and fatigue. Thankfully I've been pretty on top of the fatigue since this time last year and been relapse free for nearly two years. I'm concearned that the long hours/funny shift pattern could upset the status quo, so If anyone has any direct experience in the rail industry as a driver I'd be keen to hear from you, or anyone else for that matter that works odd hours/ long shifts and manages their MS at the same time. Thanks in advanced guys

Only recently been diagnosed myself I’m not sure how driving car/bus/Train effects people. I’m sure one of the others will give you some insight.


I would be suprised, I have PPMS and I have been removed from my role as Lead Safety Manager (Railways) and now have a new role via the redeployment pool. one of the criteria was I was not allowed to undertake safety critical duties (That would in my mind mean Train Drivers) plus the issue of Optic side will be an issue potentially, but this would be confirmed by a pre-employment medical. so by all means try, but I would be surprised, if allowed to do. Sorry if that is hard to take (it was hard for me being removed from my role on the grounds of ill health pertaining to my role.