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Heartbroken for my daughter!

Hi everyone I have had ms for 16 years now and I have been in the hospital for a week with my daughter who has now just be diagnosed with ms,I’m absolutely heartbroken for her x

My worst fear. So sorry for her, you, and your family. I cannot imagine getting MS that young.


She’s 16 current neurological climate ‘ go big or go home from early as poss sooner u catch it better the outcome’ Your baby is 16 when u look at it from that perspective it don’t get better and another way of looking at it there might not be a cure for u or me but there def will be for her!!!!!!! Heart breaking for you BUT try to remember the above 👆 sending you loads of support keep fighting Hun ‘You know the fight and she’s has you as a role model’ 💪✊👍🤞🍀💚🫂❤️‍🩹