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Issues with swallowing

Hey all, I’ve recently had 2 incidents where I’ve struggled to swallow and ended up with food caught in my sinus, I know issues with swallowing can be a symptom but wanted to see if others experienced the same sensation I have? It sort of feels like as you’re eating, the food gets stored up in your throat until you can’t swallow properly then when I try to swallow some gets stuck in my sinus, I had to blow some food out of my nose yesterday which was a bit gross 😂 Would love to know what others’ issues with swallowing is like? Thanks!!

i have the same issue, it’s such a funny one! It just suddenly appeared, and I can’t say that I’ve found an exact remedy. I find for me it’s when food has a sauce, as if I struggle to swallow the two textures!


ive had this a few times, its one of the things my MS nurse warned me may happen... i profess ive started eating slower and chewing more... not that my waistline has noticed.