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Daily Briefing Covid-19 [Apr 22nd '20]

Morning all, - I have taken an executive decision - in my lone office - to not so much abandon these but to still grab the interesting stuff I find and make similar posts but at less rigorous daily times. - I have been immensely flattered by the many remarks I have received and I am glad I have made some of you smile. Thank you. - One suggested I use fewer (though they said less and I am a terrible pedant) long words. I am afraid that is not possible for me. I write as I think; stream of consciousness. If I use a word then I thought it, I didn't work with a thesaurus to fish it out to impress. - Words I particularly like are disintermediation, disambiguation, egregious, disestablishmentarianism, epidemiological. Well, these are the ones at the moment. My brain can only hold a few at a time, like remembering only one joke. I know that I know some corkers. Damned if I can remember them. MS or just age? - For those of us of a certain vintage and remember Cheers (which spawned open of my TV faves, Frasier) will get this joke. - Q- What have Abe Lincoln and Cheers got in common>? - A - Both were shot in front of a live audience. - Ba da boom. I will be back with relevant Covid stuff (there is some coming, I spoke to an MS nurse this morning) - Stay safe you 'orrible lot. x

And who knew there was a fellow geeky but most excellent Canadian Rock band - Rush - aficionado amongst us? - @vixen one of my great regrets is not going to see Rush, AC/DC and Led Zepplin when I could have. - I saw the Stones about 15y ago in Vancouver and it sucked. Everyone sitting down, no sweaty mass crammed up against the stage with bouncers picking out pretty girls - all the bad but kind of de rigeur rocker vibe stuff - and many parents who had forced their bored looking teens along at a hundred bucks a ticket and generally an overly geriatric feel to the whole thing :( - I resolved then and there to let the memories live as I want and not to ruin them by going to a concert like those.


Hello @domincs, yes I saw them on the Subdivisions tour AND got a signed programme! Have seen AC/DC too but not Zep. Clearly an age thing, as I am a massive Frasier fan too :-)