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MS and dating

Hey everyone, What has been your experience dating with MS? I’m having trouble “getting out there” because of my fatigue and I’m finding it tough to connect with people. And the couple of times when the chemistry was on point and I was excited about someone I was “second choice.” The first guy knew I had MS and with the 2nd, I didn’t have a chance to tell him. Now I just have no energy, excitement or gumption when it comes to dating. I hate dating apps and at this point with my age, either people are married… or divorces but aren’t over it. Maybe I just have bad taste? Haha But seriously, my lack of energy has been a major factor for me… But has anyone had trouble with people wanting to continue a relationship after you told them about your MS? Any experience tidbits would be helpful. Thank you. Dani

I'm sure you'll get there, from here, can't see why not! Not that you aren't right for them, they aren't right for you 😉🧡


I also meant to say, dating is always a rough rollercoaster!