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Just wondering if anyone else can relate. Been on Tecfidera since 2020 with good effect. My white cells have steadily been dropping though, now at 0.5 so they have cut me down to 1 tablet a day instead of 2. Just a bit worried about the effectiveness if only taking half a dose. Thanks if anyone has any info!

Hoping you are still doing well. Am also on Tecfidera (since 2018).


I took one tablet of Tecfidera a day for 5 years was never prescribed two. When I turned 65 years old the neuro took me off of DMT's, a new research paper was released saying that patients over the age of 55 shouldn't be taking Tecfidera. I will be 71 next week and still at the same level I was at 65. My bladder is a little less reliable but I don't know if it is MS or old age. I don't think you need to worry, it sounds like you have a good doctor. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 55, I only had a short time to be on treatment. You have a long life ahead to work on finding the right DMT. Potter