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I'm newly diagnosed and beginning to notice people getting frustrated hearing about symptoms I'm experiencing. I've always been the person to share my woes (happily listen in return). But this is pretty big compared to the stuff in the past. Do I keep this stuff to myself from now on?

Hi CharlieBug I think awareness is important. If you're finding people are getting frustrated, maybe you can ask them why that may be, or be more selective. We all have things going on for us and sometimes it's just finding the right time. I'm in a similar situation. I've chosen to be selective with my friends and even my family. I've chosen a good friend that I can share how I'm feeling on a regular basis, they also support me on my not so good days. At work I've noticed that it's not quite the same. Instead I feel like I need to explain myself or justify myself on days when my symptoms are more prominent. To address this I've arrange a disability awareness training specifically for my colleagues. We're a fairly small team, and I've found the support through Access to Work who has funded it. I really hope this will help. We've not had the training as yet, so fingers crossed. Wishing you all the best.


There's no right or wrong in over sharing but choose your listeners well. Some people simply don't care or who had tons of stuff that they're already dealing with. I have only a few people that I share with, and that's when I know they can take it or are in a good mood. I use this forum to share and discus symptoms and understand what I'm facing. Some people just don't get it. They cannot comprehend that your body might be facing a couple of issues (numbness, balance, tingle, whatever, etc...) at the same time. They can't even fathom that it can differ on each day. Once I was telling a friend the my left leg was weker, then she's like, 'didn't you say that your hands is all tingly the other day?" I said, 'and that too.' She got this weird look on her face and I told myself that she's off the list for sharing *_*