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2nd relapse

Thank you to everyone that commented on my post a couple of days ago I've had it confirmed I am having my second relapse 😔 I still can't feel my right foot and for some reason it won't stop shaking for the second time 🙈 so just waiting for the appointment to have the steroid infusion to try help it, I've never had one before what should I expect? If anyone can help please thank you so much x

Steroids should make a world of difference. They are very good at subsiding inflammation in the brain (by crossing the Blood-Brain-Barrier) and also on the spine - if there's active lesions. Since you have a numb foot, I think this symptom is given by a lesion in the spine. If it's IV Methylprednisolone, you can expect some side effects, but nothing to be scared about. Everybody has a different response to this protocol. You can continue at home, and this is something your doctor should recommend, by taking Methylprednisiole pills (like Medrol or Prednisone). I took Prednisone for 15 years now... Hang in there, it'll be better!


@paul1994 thank you so much, thankfully I'm starting to get feeling back in it, my nurse did say because my first relapse lasted for just under 3 months there is a chance I'd have a shorter one if I'm lucky but thankfully got a MRI scan next Friday to see if there is any new lesions, but apparently I've had it for 5 years but only found out last year but we still move 😊