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Temporary flare up or new normal?

Hi all, I know everyone’s MS is different but I’m wondering if anyone has any insight/advice to share. I started having some sort of flare up 2 months ago, with sensory disturbances and fatigue being the main symptoms. The sensory stuff has cleared up now, and I am back to my normal day to day life, working etc., which is positive. However, the fatigue is still there, and it’s showing no sign of lifting. Although it’s just about manageable, It’s way worse than it ever was before this flare up started, and I’m wondering if this is my new normal… Obviously no one can really answer this for me personally, but has anyone had a flare up and then just been stuck with fatigue as a new and persistent symptom? I just can’t work out if it’s still the flare up or if this is just my new baseline 🤔 Any thoughts always welcome thanks!

if the link doesn’t open check my post about fatigue and cog frog or fatigue management