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Does Tysabri increase energy?

Hi, I’m currently going into my 7th week without my Tysabri infusion (usually 4 weekly soon to be 6 weekly but missed last infusion as had UTI and was on antibiotics so MS team advised I wasn’t allowed it). Does anyone feel that Tysabri increases their energy levels or reduces fatigue? I’m definitely thinking it has for me so would be keen to hear other people’s experiences 😀

Hi! I'm on 4 weekly infusion of Tysabri. I usually get my infusion at 8am so the rest of the day and the day after I feel absolutely awful, nothing specific but just awful. Then for the next 3 weeks, I feel great. About a week before I get the next one I get bouts of unstoppable itching in all my numb parts. Nothing helps, fortunately it only lasts about 15 mins but it's such a predictable pattern. It's like it wears off almost. I've been on it for 8 months now.


@LostSpark thanks for commenting! I feel like I’m getting that wearing off sort of feeling now and I feel shattered, since starting it I’ve felt great 😂 think my bodies already used to getting it 🙈