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An eye patch for non-pirates.

Hey everybody, hope you're all keeping as well as you can. I've had multiple relapses (Optic Neuritis) and Graves Ophthalmopathy (that damaged my eye muscles). My doctors don't seem to know if my double vision is now caused by the years of MS or the targeted radiotherapy treatment I've had for the Graves. Anyway, it sucks but I'll handle it. My Ophthalmologist has assured me that prisms will help going forward. They do help (as long as you're stationary). I'm not convinced though. I'm not sure I have the patience to get used to them. So my question to you is: is it socially acceptable to wear an eye patch in public every day? If I wear one over my left eye (bad eye), it negates the double vision entirely. It'll make me look a bit strange, but it's tempting for how much it helps me.

I would wear it proudly. Look at it this way, it could be a great way to start conversations with people you don’t know. I would think of it as a fashion accessory, not a band-aid on your eye. It might feel strange, but if it helps you function and see well, it is too important to forego. You might even find that the patch gives you a certain “je ne sais quoi”—did I spell that correctly? Meaning, an alluring mysterious quality. 😎


@Criscross21 that's a great way to look at it. Thanks for the reply, it gave me a genuine chuckle. I think I'll work on my best mysterious face and just expect the occasional pirate noise.