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Secondary Progressive

Hello everyone. Just joined! I have secondary progressive ms with multiple lesions on spinal cord. My ms is no longer active and the lesions are now described as ‘black holes’ where there is damage to axons. Bottom line is, there is no treatment now. Siponimod was a consideration at one point but it would not help now as lesions are too old. My condition is degenerative so I now manage my symptoms as best I can. Pain in legs and back is the main problem. I also have poor cognitive function. Would love to speak to someone with similar problems to share coping strategies. Thank you 😊

@Annabella Hi my neuro told me she would keep me on a DMT all the time my arms still work. My right leg is doesn't work and my cognitive function shot to bits. My speech is terrible. My MRI have been the same apparently with no evidence of disease activity. It really makes you wonder how much these guys have differing opinions at times. Maybe you could ask for a second opinion from another neuro. Just a thought.


Ditto @Annabella simlar story to mine. Welcome.