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Relapse or pseudo relapse?

The one thing I struggle with the most is knowing what is a flare up and what is a real relapse. I started feeling a numbness in my leg over a week ago but I’ve had this before so didn’t think much of it. I then started to get numbness in my left hand up my arm and my shoulder is so sensitive to touch and itchy! Again, I have had a little bit of numbness in fingers before but not up my arm? I find it so difficult to know what’s new and what’s old when it comes to symptoms!! I just don’t know if I should contact my nurses because even if it was a relapse there is not really anything they can do??

I’ve been watching a lot of videos from two well respected doctors in the field and also had advice from my MS team that if you have symptoms and they aren’t going away after 24 hours to let your team know. It’s likely they will triage, ask more questions and help provide answers etc. My MS team have said they would also look to MRI as soon as feasible if they diagnose as a relapse.