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Vitamin D3 and sulfate

Hi all, I'm sure you are aware by now I'm nuts but I have been looking into vitamin D3. I'm sure most of you have heard of the need / link between vitamin D3 and ms. This article talks about the relationship of vitamin D3 and sulfate and how our body synthesizes oral and the Vitamin D3 we get from the sun and why it is important to get more sulfate to help Vitamin D do it's job. https://www.holisticprimarycare.net/topics/topics-h-n/nutrition-a-lifestyle/1882-sulfate-the-most-common-nutritional-deficiency-you-ve-never-heard-of.html

"I can clearly see you're (your) nuts!" is what the Doctor said to the man covered entirely in clingfilm! But, that is a very interesting article. It's just a shame that sunlight and heat intolerance have such a debilitating effect on me......


Hi Stumbler, sorry to hear that... you will have to eat as much as possible! Is it the heat or the sun?