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Very happy

I have waited for something like this. My name is Kevin and I have m s.anytime I meet someone with m s I ask question to learn about them. To this date I have not found anyone close on system. My doctors and me think I was born with it. Dr. Turned there backs on me for over 20 years. I had some symptoms but they tell me not happening. I have 4 in my family my mom, uncle, then grandma on my dads side. Now my dad a few years ago had something going on they were thinking my dad to. The stories I’ve read this is the place for me so 4 , 5 this sucks m s just sucks. Sorry had to yell out thanks for your time

Hi @kevin_e_doll and welcome. And yes, you are born with it, it takes a 'major trauma' to set it off. Lots of people have strange symptoms all through their childhood, described as clumsy child, couple of days of hand not working, optical neuritis for a couple of days, in fact they are all mini relapses without anyone realising. Lots of people are actually relieved when they get dxd (diagnosis) cos they realise they weren't going nuts! Well you've found us now all questions welcome, bad jokes, a moan, rant, cry, celebration, whatever floats your boat, we don't judge and remember, with ms there's no such thing as a silly question👂🥊😜


www.wholesorts.com my monthly blog and the anger and the being slightly scared, for me has gone, now I hope that MS lives with me and actually life is good, take a read and see some comparisons that may help, good luck mate