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Tell me I'm wrong please

Got to be wrong UK population 66570000 folk UK MS occurrences 127000 PPMS in 10% of cases (12700) that works out at 0.000198% of the population ! No wonder treatment is poor

@watsoncraig , that's an interesting statistic. But, we know where statistics fits? Just behind "lies, bloody lies and....."


That's not the only 'problem' with ms. It's a very 'unsexy' disease. No-one is going to 'make their name' your finding a cure. Unlike say cancer, no-one is going to save your life, change the outcome big time, all the DMT do is delay things, sometimes for a long time, and I must admit, that cancer patients, and I'm one of them as well, are cured after 5 years. If you are still alive aftet 5 years, they call that a cure. I dot think you're ever cured of it, it usually comes back albeit somewhere else. But there are so many different types of cancer, and lets face it we can only run to 4 or5, so we're on a downer from day 1🥊👹😍