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Tecfidera week 4

Hi beautiful people. I have been upping my dose from 1/4 to full over the course of 4 weeks and now onto day 4 I have intense upper and left and right stomach pain. The pain that makes it hard to open your eyes and difficult to drink and even sit up. Of course I don’t know if it was tec that caused it but wonder if someone experienced more severe side effects some weeks /month into taking it rather than right away...

Hi @olskees , I am still only managing to take 1/4 of this drug, I am getting strange pressure in my legs, as if I had really bad sunburn. I spoke to my MS nurse yesterday, and we both agreed that , at this time it is probably better to take a small dose of it, rather than a. get rushed in to hospital with an allergic reaction, or b. take nothing , or c. start something new, which they won't do at this time anyway. I haven't had any tummy trouble at all but am only on 125 per day. How much are you taking and have you spoken to your nurse? I presume you are taking it with lots of food etc etc ...


@kateb I am day 4 on 480 mg. From the smallest dose, I had flushing and itching - the sun burn feeling like the one you mention - on my face and arms and chest by that usually surfaces 1.5 hours after taking and then slowly stops. So I guess kind of (!) used to it now but this stomach issue this morning - I honestly thought I was going to have to call ER🤷🏼‍♀️🙈