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Neuros' - hows yours

Hi All Do we share info on Neuros - good bad, indifferent... I am curious to know what Neuros are at the cutting edge including hospitals and to also avoid others that are just riding the waves of successful days gone by....... I have seen two thus far, first one I thought was going to kill me himself, we actually had rows, a cold blooded nutter but smart... at the outset this chap told me I probably had a royal flush of bad things, cancer, etc. etc. and ce la vie - told me this as IT guys were trying to fix his PC so he could view my MRI :-) patient privacy, empathy, professionalism I hear you roar :-) well thats what I roared back at him as the Round 1 commenced.... BTW - this chap is renowned as far I as I can tell from my R&D..... he might be smart but his bedside matter lacks.... anyhow on to Neuro number 2... The second chap is also good on paper, but jury is out, seems a little too optimistic and relaxed for my liking, everyone to their own.... Lets see how he goes when I see him next time, new chapter, see what he has to offer....

My neuro is very stiff, doesn't believe that vitamins for changing your diet makes a difference. He believes in the DMT's, to be fair he isn't a MS neurologist. The closest one of those we have is 200miles away and it takes over a year to see one. It is even hard for me to see him once a year. It is impossible to change neurologist because of the waiting lists. He is fairly young and kind of looks like Obama, he is from India. Potter


I think I am lucky Potter being in London, spoilt for choice !