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MS Headache

Hi, I was wondering what other people experiance when it comes to headaches with MS. Although I have normal headaches I have some different ones some times and was wondering if anyone else gets them. These headache's are like sharp needle like stinging pains that can last 1-10 minutes and at times can stop me in my tracks. Now some are mildly painful and some are a considerable amount worse. So anyone else have anything like this?

Have you had a word with your MS Nurse and/or GP about these headaches? We have a tendency to blame everything on MS and sometimes there may be another cause. It's always best to rule out the probables, to leave you with the possibles. :wink:


I've mentioned it to them but it happens out of the blu with no warning. So problem solving it is hard because I could have one now and the next in a weeks time and then I could also have another one the next day and even hour after. Then as fast as they come they go and I can sometimes go months between one. It is hard to say what causes them as sometimes I'm just sitting watching TV or walking around doing house work. It really doesn't have a obvious trigger.