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MS and Covid-19

Hi. I wanted to share an article I wrote about MS in the face of Covid-19 and my fears/thoughts about the path forward..... https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/multiple-sclerosis-covid-19-upending-normalcy-between-hirsch-ph-d-/

Wow @carajhirsch, thanks so much for sharing. May I ask who were your expected audience when you wrote this, or it totally an expression of yourself, for yourself? As the rest of the world has to make this adjustment to a life of social distancing, some of us have expressed 'Well, welcome to my world!' as our lives are carrying on much the same as before, on the whole. Thanks again, stay safe,,,,,


@vixen thanks for the response! I totally agree re welcome to my world idea! Definitely felt that way with the response to covid-19. My target audience was more professional colleagues on LinkedIn and elsewhere....