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HSCT Treatment

Hello, I got diagnosed with RRMS at the start of this year and am currently on Tecfidera. I have been looking in different treatments and HSCT looks like the only treatment that stops MS getting worse. Has anyone had HSCT or thinking of having it?

As you know, the whole reason you're taking Tecfidera is to slow down the progression of the disease. I've read a bit about HSCT, the theory behind it, the risks and death rates, etc., and I came to the conclusion that it was too "cutting edge" for me -- I'll let someone else be the guinea pig for those experiments. When I worked in computer science there was a distinct meaning for the "leading edge." But there was also an awareness that the "leading edge" could also be the "bleeding edge." :) When I was diagnosed with MS in the late 80s in a pretty severe first attack that hit multiple systems in my body, I got a strong recommendation from 2 different neurologists to do experimental chemotherapy. They assured my there was much promise there. I passed. Thankfully many years later I'm glad I didn't opt for that idea.


Hi there, also have RRMS about to take Tec so just wondering if I can I ask why you are looking into an alternative treatment? How has tec gone for you so far?