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Eye twitch

Hi All, Over the past two weeks I have a reoccurring eye twitch which comes and goes. It effects one eye only and at worst a little annoying. I thought it might be from coffee, but had a day off the caffeine to test the theory and it twitched away. I had an episode of Bells Palsy a few years ago and it is similar to when the nerves were regrowing. It's on the same side of my face as the Bells too. Wondering if this is some sort of relapse or just a vitamin deficiency. No other symptoms. Not seeing a neuro until October.

@cammo , from a website, "The most common causes of eyelid twitching are stress, fatigue, and caffeine." As you've eliminated the caffeine as a possibility, what about the other two? Of course, it could just be your MS, with stress and/or fatigue making that play up. So, is it "your body talking to you", telling you that you're doing something it doesn't like?


I had It a few weeks ago, I was really tired. It passed when I took a lot of rest.