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Anxiety making me worse

How do you cope with anxiety when going out the door? Every time I step outside anxiety kicks in and my legs stiffen up more and start to spasm. It’s making it really hard for me to go anywhere. When I step out the door the memories come flooding back of me falling over. Was never like this and finding it hard to push myself to go out the door. Anybody else had this problem? How do you overcome this problem? Would love to know your thoughts as being stuck inside is getting to me!

@bennym I share your feelings completely, I too dread the thought of stepping foot outside. When I say outside I mean the garden, that's the outside world to me now, apart from when attending appointments etc. Sometimes even the thought and idea of even getting up off of the sofa fill me with anxiety which leads to me fearing the worst.


@ peterfrancis I’m exactly the same! It’s nice to know it’s not only me. I’ve tried to explain this to people but no one gets it!