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MS Stole My Confidence, Here’s How I Got It Back | Me, MySelf & I

“Finding a new purpose by getting to help people who are new to MS has built my confidence. I get to connect with people who need somebody.” 💚 This week's episode is with the fabulous @M_S_Positive who shares how MS impacted her physical appearance and confidence. If you’ve ever felt this, it’s a must-watch! 👆 What advice would you give to someone whose confidence has been knocked early on in their MS journey? Let us know in the comments 👇 https://youtu.be/LPaOOAIYGno

Thanks for this Maytee. What a journey but it sounds like you are in a good place now!


Thank you so much. It's been a hell of a ride, no doubt. But I found the light at the end of the tunnel.