Newly diagnosed daughter
I am the mother of a recently diagnosed 16 year old daughter. I just want to find a support community for our family as well as her. She feels really alone and living in a small Navajo reservation community, we are feeling a bit isolated. I am reaching out for any type of support. She has a follow-up appointment with a neurologist on December 15. It's been a nerve wrecking experience. Hoping to gain some support.
Hi she might be as well getting a book write in the date and writing down how she feels and she can write down any questions for the Dr it's also a way of keeping track of her symptoms
I’d recommend contacting your local MS society. I live in Canada but here they have some resources and things like support groups that may be helpful. Being so young must make this be hard, so sending you all some love! And of course always feel free to ask questions here :)