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Ok here goes.... In Feb I had optic neuritis then in march i had left upper body relapse and now theres another upperbody relapse although not rulling out ots jist sympgoms of a water infection to md definitely feels like relapse. I'm relapsing/remitting MS and now I have fears because I've had 3 relapses in 12 monthes that the ms is progessing and what could this mean ?? Any advice please 🙄

You need to be on a more agressive treatment, if your not taking a DMT you need to be taking one. Potter


Hi @eeyore73 and welcome. It is important to be able to identify a relapse, so that you are given some medical advice via your MS Nurse. There's a definition of a relapse here :- https://www.mstrust.org.uk/understanding-ms/ms-symptoms-and-treatments/relapse with some other useful information. Water infections are just one potential cause of a "pseudo-exacerbation", a temporary worsening of existing symptoms. In fact, any infection, which activates our compromised immune systems, can cause us to experience a pseudo-exacerbation. Hope this helps.