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Hi! I got diagnosed with MS 10 months ago and my life changed dramatically. I’ve been feeling lonely because no one understands what I have. I cry almost every day and I feel so bad for having this autoimmune disease. Other days are better than others of course, but I can’t help but feel vulnerable, both physical and emotional. I just needed someone to hear me and relate to what I go through everyday.

Yeah I feel that 100% @debb_ I was dx is August and it’s fair to say everything has changed completely for me too but there’s definitely good days and bad ones but what I’ve learned since then is you take everything in strides, just one day at a time and definitely keep in mind it’s not the end of the world to have this disease and I promise you you’re not alone either! Always here if you need some extra motivation getting though, we’re MS warriors stay strong 💪 you got this!!!


Hey Debb :) I was dx 5 years ago now and I can relate to what you’re feeling 100%. Has life changed for me? Yes… Does it now feel like my life is over? 100% not! Give yourself time to process the news but don’t give up. Since my diagnosis my outlook has changed. I value things a lot more, I say yes to what I love and no to things (and people) that I don’t. A great life with MS is definitely possible. And the odd cry and the quite frequent nap is definitely allowed :) Stay strong!