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This just me?

Every time I wake up from sleep my entire body is stiff, stiff, numb and painful to the point I can barely feel what I'm doing and barely move. It feels like my entire body is under a me sized weight until it wears off which usually takes me a while, I have to slowly use every part of my body to get it back to normal safely but sometimes I'm in a rush so I'll try do it faster and then collapse out of bed 😂 Anyone else or is this just me?

I often wake up with that weighted feeling. More recently, when I first start to sit up in bed I have a flutter of tremors that goes through my whole torso. Just lasts a few seconds....but so weird! 😵‍💫


Yes me too. Sometimes just my right side is temporarily paralysed (can't move right limbs or open right eye, however hard I try), other times it's it's a general all-over heaviness and pain if I move anything. Not sure which is better or worse, but either way I know the only way forward in my case is to lie still for another half an hour, stretch everything slowly and gently while still in bed, and then I'll be OK enough to attempt getting up.