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Managing Stress in MS

Hi all, Here's an interesting webinar, with its introduction, that you may find useful:- "We are pleased to provide you with an important webinar that was just produced in partnership with the International Organization of MS Nurses by an educational grant from Sanofi Genzyme. The program, entitled "Managing Stress in Multiple Sclerosis" was developed based on feedback from readers and runs approximately 30 minutes. Since MS is in itself a stress-producing condition and since an MS care professional can't manage stress for the patient, an effective program must be adopted and maintained by the individual. There are many non-pharmacologic approaches that have been proven useful for people with MS, and choosing the best one must be an individualized approach. This webinar guides listeners through a clearer understanding of the concept of stress ("What is stress? How does it affect the human body? How can it affect my MS?") along with some tips and resources for finding effective stress-management solutions. We encourage you to view this program and share with family, friends, supports groups and anyone else you believe might benefit from it. At the end of the program, there is a brief survey. We would greatly appreciate you taking a moment to fill it out. http://eventcenter.commpartners.com/se/Meetings/Playback.aspx?meeting.id=718605 " It's provided courtesy of MS Perspectives

Checked the program out @stumbler & can so relate to some of those areas of stress..... & are going to have begin some of those ideas....thanks for the info @stumbler


Thanks @stumbler! I loved it, there are really good ideas. I'm thinking on starting a meditation practice so... it was great to hear the word "meditation" so many times :-) ... and I tried the 4-7-8 breath technique while I was listening.... feels great. I'm a swimmer - daily basis, due to MS, it was my first decision and I feel very well with exercise - but they suggest a lot of alternatives to those who just don't like exercising or find it hard due to MS symptoms. Everybody would benefit from listening to this webinar!