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Work and time off for appointments

Hi, sorry to keep posting so much. So, because of how many appointments I’ve had this year leading up to my diagnosis I’ve used my allotted 8 hours appointment time. I am now being requested to either work during infusions, make the time up in advance (I work 8-4.30 Monday - Friday), take it sick which will be half pay or go unpaid. Is this right? I appreciate work still have to cover themselves etc but I also didn’t ask for this illness.

do you have a union? if there's one at your workplace join it will give you support to negotiate disability related appointments. It is a reasonable adjustment for you and for that time not to be made up or flexi. MS is covered by the Equalities Act as a named disability (fame!) all the best and remember you're an asset to your workplace before and after your diagnosis


@Nosense I don’t have a union unfortunately so would have to back this up myself. thank you for the information.