Been a while.
Hello everyone. Hope everyone is doing well. Been a while since I last stopped in. Been busy and not had much time for anything really. Between not doing the greatest most days and my wife having unexpected complications with a surgery that she had a few months ago and with Christmas just around the corner just been for a lack of better words A SHIT SHOW.
Like I said I haven’t been doing so great either but I still push on. Got no choice with three kids. One is gone off to College an hour away and needs to be picked up on occasional weekends to visit as he don’t drive. My other two both have extracurricular activities they do after school that they need taken too. My wife has work and wound care appointments she needs taken too. Just no time in there for me to admit that I can’t do it all anymore.
Even when I do at times it makes no difference stuff still needs to get done whether I am capable or not I have no choice. So most times I just stay quiet and suffer through it. Even when I do say something it causes an argument cause there is no understanding. I always get “oh I know how you feel” or “it can’t be that bad can it?” or “I understand but you have to do it cause I work all week and don’t want to do it on my days off”.
So I suffer mostly in silence as to not rock the boat as they say. I just don’t have the energy to waste arguing over something that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I do what I can and if that isn’t good enough well I am sorry but be mad and whatever you want to be because I have no FUCKS left to give anymore.
Anyway sorry for the language and the rant. Just had to vent a bit before I blew a gasket and say or do the wrong thing.
Have a great day everyone
@shannon_devlaminck I hope that although we can't truly help, at least you know your "rant" is being read by people who have some understanding and perhaps may be going through similar issues. I know I'm stating the obvious and offer no real solutions but in my experience as my child got older it did get easier as I could take more time for myself and the dark days did eventually pass. If you feel that you need extra support you could also speak to your MS professionals to recommend services or groups in your area. Keep well and kind regards 😊
@shannon_devlaminck . we're quite used to expletives and fully understand the reasons for your post and language. The Forum exists to allow for members to let off steam. It's better to do it here rather than at home, which risks causing an atmosphere.