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Stem Cells

Hi I am still drawn to this since I was diagnosed last year I was wondering if any of you knew anything about the one that doesn’t require chemo where they give you a stem cell transplant and not one with chemo ? I was wondering if this one might give some relief without chemo Thanks Rachael

Rachel This is a subject that needs you to contact a provider of the procedure and ask them for Information. It's a huge thing for which you will need support all the way through. Am not trying to put your off Just get lots of info, so you can make well informed decisions..... I'm being a clucky mother and feel a bit protective 😄 Reading my message back I sound like a teacher 😕


Hello @rachaellouise. Like you, I was diagnosed last year. My personal plan I agree with myself was to wait until 2022 (5 years after diagnosis) and see how this treatment has developed over time before considering it. It’s either going to ‘sink or swim’ as an innovative treatment so I shall watch and wait.....