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In Limbo

HI. I have had MS like symptoms since February 2019. I had several mri's and a lumbar puncture. I have seen two neurologists and the second one ordered nerve conduction studies. All other tests have been clear and if the ncs is clear I will be diagnosed with FND. But I can't help being dissatisfied with that diagnosis. My gut feeling is usually right, and I can't help feeling it's a misdiagnosis. Just needed to vent. I'm so frustrated. I'm sure lots of you have been in my position x

@RWainfur Vent away. After seeing three consultants over 18 months, I was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. The consultant showed me a tiny speck on my spinal cord and told me I would get better. I was numb from the waist downwards and couldn't walk properly. I did get better, but six years later I was back again, this was my second relapse, two years later and a third relapse, I was diagnosed with MS. I know it's a slog but keep going. My MS was diagnosed just through an MRI. However, if a lumbar puncture is showing clear results, I would take that and run (if you can).


@AndreaG I am sorry about your diagnosis. No running for me unfortunately. My right foot and some of my leg is too numb :( I don't know what to do next to keep going :( I've seen two neurologists and been to audiology because of vertigo. Apart from the nerve studies, I feel at a dead end. Though the second neuro did put a patient led arrangement in place for two years. If I feel I am having a flare up I can ring a number and he will review me again. Not entirely sure what a flare up is though.