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An Overwhelming Sense of Dread and Doom...

... Is the feeling I had yesterday evening whilst enduring my first MS Hug Attack in well over a year. Think this was my 4th or 5th one in total, not too bad really when considering the people who have them more frequently. The Physical Pain and Discomfort that the Hug brings is one thing but, to me it is secondary to the Mental and Psychological aspect of everything is about to come to an end, the feeling of utter Dread is Hellish.

I know all too well the feeling. I hope you have some help and support. I feel it’s taking baby steps. Baby steps to acceptance and patience. How is the pain for you? What is your experience? I usually have it for 24 hours but this one has lasted 3 months. It’s been really a tough one. Just coming out of it. Slowly. My sensation is a terrible gripping feeling. Can’t really move or do much in order to keep stable. They’ve thrown every med at it. Even steroids.nothing has worked. Do you have anything that helps you?


Hi @AprilAus , thankfully the pain is minimal and bearable, I do have Painkillers to be used as and when needed but, I mainly get a feeling of Discomfort as well as the feeling of Imminent, Impending Doom... Honestly it's Horrible, i struggle explaining it to people, they'd have to have MS and feel it for themselves.