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HI There

I have MS. 13 Years strong no episodes in 9 years. I'm fatigue usually. I drink coffee it helps but then it kicks my ass and I'm in bed by 9 :)

Ugh @MSJennyboo, I feel your pain. Fatigue has left its boot prints on my ass too. I've been working on sleep hygiene now that I'm on short term disability and I'm finding that I get up at 9 and go to bed at 8. WTF? Am I 80? :D I had a meeting this morning and had to drink two cups of coffee to be coherent. Now I get to deal with the extra spasticity from the caffeine all day. Have I told you I think MS sucks? Be well, @MSJennyboo.


@NeedMoreSleep HOLY SHIT ! You get it TGIF kinda and kids on spring break all next week so that's great ! I have a grande iced caramel macchiato with 5 shots upside down in a venti cup extra ice and extra caramel. :) EVERYDAY o__O But MS hasnt been that bad to me in a while. justt fatigue but ill fight itg forget about it and then im good. :) Lots of luck to you & your ms MS LOVES WEED. :) <3