Oxygen chambers, yay or nay?
I’ve heard they are a good thing, repecially to relieve symptoms,however there’s no scientific evidence of any benefits. Has anyone tried it?
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my gp said to avoid them as I have COPD but I was still interested
Hi @Lucy93 I have tried one ( a long time ago) and enjoyed the course of ‘treatment’ but wasn’t sure initially if it helped & the cost was also a factor. This was in Nottingham ( Forest football club use it) Since then however I have been doing the Wim Hof Method which consists of cold water immersion and a breathing technique whereby you ‘flood’ your body with oxygen. It’s amazing and the feeling is great. I do it most days and use it more when my symptoms flare. It’s free and you don’t have to book appointments. Have a look at Wimhofmethod.com There is a page dedicated to MS and symptom relief ❤️