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Hey, i don’t know how to start. This is my first time writing a post here so i am a little bit nervous. Few months ago, i had a flare up that was basically pain in my right arm and leg. Since then, this pain stayed as a constant symptom. Sometimes goes but most of the time is present. My doctor advised me with some sort of pills but he said that one of their side effects is fatigue and he’s not sure if they will solve the problem so i refused to take them because i am already fatigued. Do you have any advices about what to do when i get this pain? Any suggestions would be helpful and very appreciated. Thank you!

Cant you explain what type of pill so we can assist you based on our infos


Hi Cannabis is amazing for pain, I use it for pain and it helps my other symptoms it makes me feel normal again, Is cannabis not legal in Germany? It's worth a try